Richard Parker - What prepared me for Civvy Street?

Richard Parker - What prepared me for Civvy Street?

If twenty-two and a half years in the forces taught me anything, it was about the importance of preparation. Now as a trainer for RISK, I try and explain that preparation is the difference between success and failure in exams.

Richard Parker - Warrant Officer Class Two (QMSI), Corps of Royal Engineers

I served twenty two and a half years in the Corps of Royal Engineers, finishing my distinguished career as a Warrant Officer Class Two (QMSI).  I finally left the army in 1997 following my final tour as a Permanent Staff Instructor (PSI) with a Territorial Army Royal Engineers Field Squadron (V).

The forces taught me to be prepared, so I prepared for Civvy Street

I think the thing which helped me most when coming to terms with leaving the forces was that I knew exactly when my contract with the military would come to an end. Understanding I would be leaving meant I had to think about what I wanted to do after the army. I used this to my advantage and prepared myself as much as I possibly could. I enrolled at a civilian college and gaining a management and a teaching qualification which I knew would be recognised in ‘Civvy Ctreet’.

I took the NEBOSH General Certificate with my military resettlement training package

Although this was really hard work, I thoroughly enjoyed the NEBOSH General Certificate and learnt an enormous amount about health and safety. Using my military resettlement package on an Occupational Safety and Health course definitely helped me secure a job in Civvy Street.

I became a college lecturer - a role I stuck for 7 years

On leaving the military I obtained a job as a college lecturer which I stuck at for seven years before moving on to become a Health and Safety Trainer for a Local Authority.  Whilst working for the Local Authority I had the opportunity to study for my NEBOSH diploma which I took and passed successfully.

So how did I come to be at RISK?

I served in the military with Mike Adams (the MD of RISK) and Mike kindly offered me the opportunity for some part-time health and safety training work.  This whet my appetite to work as a freelance trainer and consultant so, in 2012, I took voluntary redundancy from the Local Authority and set myself up as a freelance health and safety consultant and trainer.

Since then I have been kept very busy doing work which I thoroughly enjoy and from which I gain a great deal of job satisfaction.

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