Training companies going bust impacts ELCAS funding for armed forces personnel

Training companies going bust impacts ELCAS funding for armed forces personnel

ELCAS approved training providers going bust leave resettlement plans in tatters!

What happens if your ELCAS training provider goes bust before or during your course?

You would think that if the course hasn't been delivered, your rights would be the same as the person in civvy street - but you'd be wrong. If you purchase a course by credit card and it isn't delivered because the training provider has ceased trading - you would most likely get your credit card refunded by the card provider. Leaving you free to rebook your course with another approved training provider.

Unfortunately not the case as several delegates have found out!

Not the case according to several people who have experienced this scenario when planning their resettlement. Before they came across RISK, they looked online for ELCAS approved courses and training providers. In selecting their provider, they were disappointed to find they ceased trading prior to their course being completed. With the funds allocated - they found to their disappointment - the ELCAS funding cannot be reassigned to another training provider.

ELCAS training for armed forces by RISK

The Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS) is a government-led education and funding initiative that’s designed to support the lifelong learning of members of the UK Armed Forces. If selecting a training provider, especially during these uncertain times, it may be worth holding off booking until closer to the course start date or trying to establish the financial strength and stability of the training provider.

RISK Health & Safety is proud to be an approved and registered provider of ELCAS courses. (Centre No: 1879)

The MOD's Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme (ELC) is designed for members of the Armed Forces and provides financial support for higher level training courses. Registered Scheme Members who have accrued sufficient service can now benefit from flexible, online learning options. Whilst not all of our courses are currently supported by the scheme, we will endeavour to find something that suits you, your experience and your future aspirations.

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