NEBOSH Open Book Exam
13 June 2020
NEBOSH Open Book Exam
NEBOSH launched it's new open book exams for the NEBOSH General Certificate in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NEBOSH Open Book Exam Courses AVAILABLE NOW:
► NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 Module Remote Online Courses
The NEBOSH General Certificate can now be taught remotely, online via video conferencing. With the examination in an all new open book format, open to the delegate for a 24 hour window. Book your NG1 and NG2 together to receive a bundle discount.
Book your NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 with Open Book Exam >> Click here <<
The following NEBOSH certificate courses are also now available as open book exam. Our online NEBOSH courses are delivered in real-time by an expert trainer using Zoom. Which means our tutor-led training and NEBOSH Certificate virtual classroom courses can be enjoyed anywhere in the World.
► NEBOSH Construction Certificate virtual online courses
► NEBOSH Fire Certificate virtual online courses
► NEBOSH Environmental Certificate virtual online courses
How the new NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 remote/online course works
Upon booking you will be automatically sent course joining instructions which outline the specific course details, but below is and overview of how the course is delivered.
► Technology Checks Pre-Course Start Date - This is to check you've been able to access the RISK NEBOSH Personal Learning Zone, test your broadband download and upload speeds for both video conferencing and in preparation for the exam.
► 5 Day Block NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 - The course is delivered online via zoom video conferencing, there is a maximum of 10 delegates per course. The learning materials are structured and delivered in a format to get you familiar to the 'new open book exam questions' style. These are shared digitally during the tutor led learning via zoom screen share and also made available via the RISK NEBOSH Personal Learning Zone at the end of each day.
► 3 Days Before Your Exam NEBOSH send a NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 Delegate Login - This is sent directly to the delegate from NEBOSH, which is why it's so important to we have the correct details on your registration form, including direct delegate contact details. RISK (nor any other training provider) has any influence over the accessibility or technical connectivity between the delegate and their NEBOSH login. Which is why it's critical delegates log on at the earliest opportunity and to familiarise themselves with the NEBOSH open book exam platform. We strongly recommend learners log in, change their password and familiarise themselves with the platform well before the day of the examination.
► Your NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 open book exam - This exam is the same for everyone in this cohort of delegates across the World, the start time of the exam in the UK is 9.00am, for non UK delegates it's the comparable time in their country (i.e. the same 24 hours for all exam takers). All delegates have a 24 hour window to complete and submit their examination paper.
► RISK Get Access to your Submitted Exam Papers 3 Days later - RISK access and download delegate exam submissions in preparation for closing interviews. For delegates undertaking a NG2 module their NG1 interview will be undertaken by the tutor on the NG2 module either before training starts or on completion of the training day. All other delegates will have interviews scheduled over the next 10 days.
At this point the exam hasn't been marked by NEBOSH, the purpose of this interview is to assess the work has been completed by the delegate.
The aim of this interview is to ensure that the work was completed by the delegate themselves and exam scripts have not been plagiarised.
A copy of the Closing Interview Guide will be provided to each of the delegates at the end of the NG1 taught course.
► NG1 Open Book Exam Results - 11 Weeks After The NEBOSH General Certificate NG1 Open Book Exam Delegates Received Grades.
► NEBOSH General Certificate NG2 Module Remote Online Courses
To achieve the NEBOSH General Certificate you need both the NG1 module and the NG2 module. The closest you can take them is to select your NG2 course to start the Monday following your NG1 exam.
► You can only take the NG2 having first taken the NG1 course and exam
► The NEBOSH General Certificate NG2 Course - follows the same 5 day block format, tutor led learning via zoom video conferencing.
► The NEBOSH General Certificate NG2 Course Assessment - Delegates complete a Risk Assessment and Written Report which is submitted directly to NEBOSH no later than 10 days after the NG2 course start date.
If you find the new process a little confusing, or simply want to discuss the changes for a greater understanding please call us prior to booking on 01623 749718 or out of office hours call Val on 07967 826094.
NEBOSH General Certificate Changes
NEBOSH has responded with a digital online solution to adapt to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. This also presents huge opportunities for NEBOSH too, through introducing remote and online assessments, which means handwriting will no longer be a factor in your score.
NEBOSH General Certificate Open Book with remote and online assessments
The first phase of this project is to introduce open book exams for both the NEBOSH National and International General Certificates – units NG1, IG1, NGC1 and IGC1. This will replace in-person closed book exams and enable learners to sit their NEBOSH assessment in their own home or another safe and suitable location. This new open book, remote and online assessments approach will continue to provide the rigour and recognition people expect from a NEBOSH qualification whilst being safer for the learner during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
“The health of our learners is paramount. We want them to feel safe when they carry out their NEBOSH assessments and the best way to do this is transform the way we do things.“We have worked closely with our regulator, the Scottish Qualifications Authority, to maintain the rigour and recognition people have come to expect from NEBOSH over its 40-year history. COVID-19 has certainly presented us with some challenges but the changes we’re making will enable people to gain the qualification they have worked hard for, safely.”
David Morgan, NEBOSH Interim Chief Executive
Download the NEBOSH General Certificate Learner Guide for remote and online assessments
Produced by NEBOSH, this NEBOSH General Certificate Learner Guide provides further information about how the open book exams will work, as well as frequently asked questions.
NEBOSH Open book examination learner guide
Guidance document for preparing for the new open book examination for NG1, IG1, NGC1 and IGC1 units.
Register your interest and be one of the first to take the new format NEBOSH General Certificate Open Book, with remote and online assessments